The Core SWX Nano 98wh HDV Battery for Sony PMW/PXW Cameras is specifically designed for select Sony PMW/PXW Camcorders such as the Sony FS5. They are equipped with a 4-stage LED gauge, P-tap, and USB port. The P-Tap is a Smart Tap that is able to carry SMBUS/smart battery data which is a featured part of future integration. This power tap will serve as a standard powertap without need of special cabling.
Camera and NPF batteries
Core SWX Nano 98wh Battery with D-Tap for Select Sony Cameras
98wh (14.4v, 6600mah) HDV Battery
Smart P-Tap that’s able to carry SMBUS/smart battery data
8 Hour runtime from a Sony FS5 draw
USB Output
Lightweight at only 408g