Profoto Narrow-Beam Reflector (32 degrees)


The Narrow Beam Reflector is designed for use on Profoto flash heads. To achieve even more precise control over the direction of light, the reflector can be extended by the ProTube, and equipped with a Honeycomb Grid.

  • Provides a beam spread of 32°.


A powerful beam of light with a narrow light spread.

The NarrowBeam Reflector creates a more intense and focused beam of light than any other Profoto reflector. Many photographers use this to throw light over large distances or when they need as much power as possible. The light that is provided has an extreme hot spot and quite a dramatic light fall-off, which, of course, can be put to good, creative use.

  • Light spread: 25° at position 9, 45° at position 7 and 70° at position 5.
  • Output at 2 m with 2,400 Ws @ ISO 100: f/128.1 at zoom position 9.
  • Use the optional Grids, BarnDoors or the ProTube for even more precise light shaping.
  • Designed to withstand years of professional use.
  • Features Profoto’s unique zoom function – shape the light by simply sliding the reflector back and forth on the head.


General Specifications:

  • f-stop in 2m at 2400Ws @ settings: 180
  • Light Spread: 32 degrees



  • Diameter: 34.5 cm
  • Weight: 0.55 kg 1.21 lb
  • Size: 18.3 cm depth
SKU: PRO-100617 Category: Brand: